IEEE Reliability Society AdCom Candidates Sought for 2012/2013/2014 Term

The IEEE Reliability Society is seeking candidates for serving on its Administrative Committee (AdCom) for the three-year term that spans 2012/2013/2014. For clarification, the AdCom manages the operations of the Reliability Society. Candidates need to be a member of the IEEE Reliability Society and should have both technical and managerial experience. Serving on the AdCom requires attending periodic AdCom meetings (max of quarterly) and participating in one or more of the following areas of Reliability Society committee activities: Technical Activities (TA), Meetings and Conferences, Membership, and Publications. Other committees include Nominations and Appointments (N&A) and Awards, and are invite-only. Ad hoc committee membership is also encouraged of ADCOM members. More about these areas of activity can be found within the Reliability Society's Constitution, By Laws, and Operational Manual on our Society web site at

If you are interested in running for election to become an AdCom member, please send the following information to Jeff Voas, Junior-Past President, at by no later than 15 September 2011:

  • Your full contact information: name, mailing address, telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address.
  • A concise professional biography that summarizes your technical and management experience and your educational background. The biography needs to be 400 words or less.
  • A short statement describing why you want to be an AdCom member and what you can contribute to the Reliability Society through being an AdCom member. Please also state any volunteer efforts you have undertaken on behalf of the Reliability Society when you were not an ADCOM member.
  • A short statement that identifies in which Reliability Society activity area(s) you would like to participate. Also, if you wish to propose a new opportunity or area for Society expansion, please provide that, e.g., smart grid, cloud computing, and life sciences are news areas of interest to the Society.
  • Please include an endorsement from your supervisor / manager if possible. If that is not possible, please have a Reliability Society AdCom member, Chapter Officer, or member endorse your candidacy. In addition, please provide assurance, either personal or from your employing organization, that you will have adequate support to attend and participate in the scheduled AdCom meetings (usually held on Saturdays at different U.S. city locations) each year of your elected term.
  • Statement that you are a current IEEE member and an IEEE Reliability Society member. Provide your IEEE member number, as IEEE will verify this before your name is allowed to be placed on the official ballot.

Your information will be forwarded to the IEEE Reliability Society's Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee for their review for possible inclusion in our AdCom ballot in early Fall of 2011. Recent rules adopted for all IEEE societies require that the Reliability Society have a final ballot of at least 9 candidates. To be included in the ballot, all requested information needs to be provided by September 15, 2011. If you have questions, e-mail Jeff Voas at